We match properties to customers’ requirements, so you get quality leads. Free to list, pay only when you succeed.

What is ?
roost is an intuitive, beautifully designed map-based real estate marketplace presenting quality listings authenticated for accuracy​
Why work with ?

Generate quality, matching leads

  • Generate quality, matching leads that increase your success rate while minimizing dead leads​
  • Loved by buyers and renters for our beautiful interface and enjoyable search experience​

Quick & easy to start, takes just 5 mins!

  1. Sign up as an agent 1 min
  2. Create your first property listing ​ 4 mins
  3. Get your first roost lead! done!

Intuitive and for everyone, anytime, anywhere

  • Intuitive interface makes it easy to use
  • Anyone with basic IT knowledge will be able to use roost to increase customer outreach and increase success

Free to list, pay only when you succeed

  • Free to list and to generate leads
  • List more to succeed more
  • Success only fee structure aligns interest
services FAQ
Is roost really free to use?​
Yes, it is absolutely free to list on roost and to get leads. The more you list, the more you will succeed. roost also offer additional services and benefits through the paid Premium and Pro service plans.​​
How does roost make money then?​
You only pay a "success only" fee if a lead through roost results in a successful transaction.​ roost sets an annual fee cap of ¥1,200,000 for the free plan and ¥900,000 cap so you can list as many as you like without worrying about paying more.
What are the benefits of "success only" fees?​​
roost is incentivised to send you high quality leads to maximise your chances of success. There is no upfront cost – you pay only if you succeed so we will do all we can to help you succeed. Competitors that charge based on a “per lead” basis are incentivised to send many leads, most of which are not a good match, resulting in high marketing spend and low success rate.​​​
How will you charge me?
You can pay the success fees by credit card or bank transfer. We operate based on an honesty system but also have checks in place.Alternatively, you can also pay by bank transfer.​
© 2021 Roost Inc.